NO LONGER ACTIVE: Bill did not pass!
HB 1472, a bill to protect access to Complementary and Alternative Health Care Practitioners in North Dakota, could move to the House Floor soon! We need as many legislators as possible to be informed about this bill when it comes up for a vote. Please click here to contact your legislators and ask for a Yes Vote on HB 1472.
Thanks to everyone who wrote to their legislators and provided written testimony in advance of the House Human Services hearing last week on HB 1472. In case you missed it, you can watch the video of the hearing – including the oral testimony of NHFA attorneys, Diane Miller and Anne Gillum – here.
Bills in North Dakota can move to the floor without a vote from the committee so, although we do not know how the committee will vote on HB 1472, NHFA is hopeful it will be added to the agenda for a floor vote in the House soon.
Please support this bill which would empower individuals to have access to local healers and practitioners and encourage them to work with someone to increase their general levels of health and wellness. Show your support for HB 1472 by emailing your legislators today.
Thanks in advance for your help! Together we can make a difference.